Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend 3rd International Conference on Chemical Engineering
Chicago, Illinois ,USA.

Day 1 :

Conference Series Chemical Engineering 2017 International Conference Keynote Speaker Nicolas Abatzoglou photo

Nicolas Abatzoglou is a full Professor and Ex-Head of the Department of Chemical & Biotechnological Engineering of the Université de Sherbrooke, Canada. He is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Saskatchewan and Laval University. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering. He is a Specialist in Process Engineering involving particulate systems. He is the Director of the GRTP-C&P (Group of Research on Technologies and Processes in the Chemical &
Pharmaceutical Industry). Since May 2008, he is the holder of the Pfi zer Industrial Research Chair in Process Analytical Technologies (PAT) in Pharmaceutical Engineering. He is one of the leaders in Canada’s NCE Network BioFuelNet on Biorefi ning. He is also a Co-Founder of the company Enerkem Technologies Inc., precursor of Enerkem Inc., a spin-off commercializing technologies in the fi eld of energy from renewable resources. His scientifi c production includes more than 100 publications, reviews, conferences, keynotes, plenaries and invited lectures, patents and three book chapters.


Statement of the Problem: A new nickel catalyst was prepared from an ilmenite metallurgical residue consisting of an upgraded slag oxide (UGSO). Dry reforming of biogas, a mixture of equimolar amounts of CH4and CO2, does not necessitate other special reactants if the catalyst is effi cient and suffi ciently robust at the reaction conditions (T, P and gas spatial velocity). In recent scientifi c publications and a PCT patent pending, it has been shown that such a catalyst can be produced at low cost with a low-materials and energy intensity production protocol. Purpose: Present the preliminary engineering of an integrated industrialunit combining the in-house production of this novel catalytic formulations and its use to produce H2, using a typical landfi ll biogas or a combination of biogas and natural gas.
Results: The study presents results on the following points:
• Description of the catalyst and its chemistry.
• Mechanistic aspects relying on fresh and used catalyst analyses.
• Development of a phenomenological kinetic model, including the apparent activation energy of the controlling step and its use to simulate the reforming reactor operation.
• Proofs of the catalysts effi ciency, robustness, regenerability and an estimation of its life cycle.
• Description of this catalysts production unit aimed at both providing the necessary in-house quantities and tackle the external market.
• Preliminary engineering of a hydrogen production unit utilizing the new catalyst.
• Estimation of the production cost as function of the unit size in targeting to evaluate its break-even point.
Conclusion: The conclusion will focus on the techno-economic feasibility of such an industrial project within the actual
market globalization context as function of parameters such as, size, reactants and products market price, market outreach and socioeconomic and environmental incentives.

Break: Networking & Refreshment Break 11:10-11:30 @ Foyer

Keynote Forum

Ignacio Gracia

University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

Keynote: Crossing the gap between research and market in chemical engineering: Application to supercritical technology

Time : 11:30-12:10

Conference Series Chemical Engineering 2017 International Conference Keynote Speaker Ignacio Gracia photo

Ignacio Gracia is Associate Professor in the Chemical Engineering Department of the University of Castilla_La Mancha (Spain). PhD. in Chemical Engineering in the UCLM (1999), Marie Curie postdoctoral Fellowship in the University of Salerno (Italy) in 2002. Has devoted his scientifi c career to the fi eld of supercritical fluids, focused on natural extracts, waste oil regeneration and polymer synthesis. He is currently working in the synthesis of biocompatible biodegradable polymers with medical applications. Vice president of the Spanish association for the Advancement of High Pressure Technologies (FLUCOMP). Co-author of more than 50 scientifi c sci publications, two patents (one in application) and ten books and chaptiers. Supervisor of four PhD’s. He worked in more than 50 research projects and 12 projects with private companies, in 22 like Head. Master in MBA (2010). Entrepreneurship price in 2010. Founder of GARLICINSA, private spin-off with a registered product:


Industrial development of laboratory research in Chemical Engineering is diffi cult due to the lack of knowledge for researchers about business behavior and marketing strategies. Th is inability to communicate makes unable to understand the real potential of new products for fi nancial or management managers. This work presents some information for researchers to be able to understand basic concepts of economy related to the industrial implementation new processes, including examples applied to Supercritical Technology (ST). ST is ready to be widely used for the development of new products especially in the food, nutraceutical and pharmacy industry.
In spite of the advantages about production, safety, quality, normative, proven therapeutic characteristics and marketing, the industrial implementation of ST products is scant, because their products are generally considered like simple substitutes for low market niche goods. Based on a Business Plan procedure, several tools and strategies were used to determine and quantify the industrial potential of some ST-based products. The SWOT test and Business Plan strategy were used to identify real possibilities for market application in a proper segment. New emerging opportunities about FDA or EFSA regulations, labelling, market demands and opportunities have to be exploited. New products obtained by ST were demonstrated like economically profi table, according to cost estimation, price curve and some fi nancial ratios.

Keynote Forum

Davis L. Ford

The University of Texas at Austin, USA

Keynote: The past and future of enhanced oil and gas extraction in the United States

Time : 12:10-12:50

Conference Series Chemical Engineering 2017 International Conference Keynote Speaker Davis L. Ford photo

Dr. Davis L. Ford is an Adjunct Professor in the College of Engineering, the University of Texas at Austin, and a Visiting Professor of Petroleum Engineering at Texas Tech University, Lubbock. He is practicing environmental engineer with over forty-fi ve years of experience in the fi eld. In addition, he serves on the faculty at The University of Texas at Austin as an adjunct professor, has published more than one hundred technical papers, has co-authored or contributed to ten textbooks, and written two biographies and co-authored one children’s book. He has lectured extensively throughout the United States and in countries of Europe, South America, and Asia. Ford received his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering at Texas A&M University and his master and doctorate degrees in environmental engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. He is a Distinguished Engineering Graduate of both Texas A&M University and The University of Texas at Austin as well as a Distinguished Alumnus of Texas A&M. Ford was elected into the prestigious National Academy of Engineering (NAE). He has served as president of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and chairman of the Academy Ethics Committee. His honorary affi liations include Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi, and Chi Epsilon. Ford serves on the Board of a publicly-owned oil and exploration company (CWEI, NASDAQ) and the Board of the Texas A&M University Press


The world is going through a major energy dynamic, with fossil fuel being a major source. Tight oil and gas is now be extracted at a record pace in the Delaware basin in Texas and New Mexico. Both small energy companies now as well as the majors are in the early phases of drilling, completing, and transport oil and gas both for domestic use and export, primarily to Europe. Th ere is a dramatic increase of the United States gap attributable to this export of energy. Pipelines are being expanded and infrastructures of support are rapidly becoming in place. Th is presentation will include but not be limited to horizontal drilling, staging, water conservation and used water disposal, economics, payback, debt, and investing. Regulatory constraints at the state and federal levels will be a part of the presentation.To put this into current perspective, the major producers of fossil fuel, in order, are (1) the United States (2) Russia and (3) Saudi Arabia. Th ere will be a brief discussion of proven oil and gas reserves, both worldwide and in the United States. Th e growth of this commodity in the United States, both in the past few years as well as the anticipated production in the near future will be included in this presentation.

  • Track 1: Chemical Engineering
    Track 2: Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering
    Track 6: Biochemical Engineering
Location: ZURICH


Ignacio Gracia

University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain



Jong Moon Park

Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea

Session Introduction

Anil Oroskar

Orochem Technologies Inc., USA

Title: Opportunities for innovation in chemical industry

Time : 12:50-13:20


Anil Oroskar is a Founder and Chief technology Officer at Orochem Technologies Inc. USA. Also he is an Adjunct Professor of Chemical Engineering at University of Illinois, Chicago. He has more than 35 years of experience in the field of Designed refinery processes , refinery & petrochemical process improvements, engineering, technical service, operations management. He received his PhD in ChemE at University of Wisconsin, Madison in 1981. He has more than 50 US Patents and Key participant over 16 International conferences. He was one of the Directors of AICHE Fuels and Petroleum Division and has focused recently on the development of Biotechnology, New Energy Technologies, Fuel Cells Technology and Micro-Reaction Technology.


Real growth of chemical industry started in the early 1900s after the discovery and growth of crude oil. The switch from coal to oil spurred innovations in fuels as well as petrochemicals. There was rapid growth in innovative processes and products which improved quality of life for all people on earth. Unfortunately by the end of last century this innovation had slowed down. By the year 2000 Chemical Industry had become a mature “brick and mortar” industry with very few breakthroughs in processes and products. Focus in the last two decades has primarily been in improving information and knowledge leading to more automated chemical processes.

Fortunately there still are many opportunities for significant innovations in chemical industry. These opportunities exist because there are significant needs presented by the world we live in. These opportunities can be classified in:

1. Improved Resource Utilization such as drinking water from seawater, olefins from Natural gas etc.

2. Improved Process efficiency such as Improved catalysts for petroleum cracking, improved electrochemical process for aluminum etc.

3. Reduced environmental impact such as reduced CO2 emissions, CO2 sequestration

4.   Alternative feed stocks such as Cellulosic ethanol

This presentation will provide a summary of the growth and slowing down of chemical industry innovations during the last century and will highlight specific opportunities for spurring innovation in products and processes which could play an important part in renewal of chemical industry during this century.Real growth of chemical industry started in the early 1900s after the discovery and growth of crude oil. The switch from coal to oil spurred innovations in fuels as well as petrochemicals. There was rapid growth in innovative processes and products which improved quality of life for all people on earth. Unfortunately by the end of last century this innovation had slowed down. By the year 2000 Chemical Industry had become a mature “brick and mortar” industry with very few breakthroughs in processes and products. Focus in the last two decades has primarily been in improving information and knowledge leading to more automated chemical processes.


Break: Group Photo @ ZURICH & Lunch Break 13:20-14:10 @ Athens

Said Al-Hallaj

University of Illinois, Chicago, USA

Title: Preventing thermal runaway propagation in li-ion batteries

Time : 14:10-14:40


Said Al-Hallaj is the CEO and Co-Founder of All Cell Technologies LLC and a Visiting Research Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). He has earned his BSc and MSc degrees in Chemical Engineering from Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) and a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT). He has co-authored a book entitled “Hybrid Hydrogen Systems” and has published book chapters and over 50 peer reviewed journal papers. He is also the co-inventor of numerous issued and pending patent applications in the areas of renewable energy, energy storage and conversion and water desalination.


Lithium-ion battery technology has gained signifi cant interest over the past two decades due to its high-energy density, high power and long cycle life. However, recent frequent safety incidents with Li-ion battery fi res (i.e., personal electronics, hover boards, electric vehicles, aircraft s etc.) highlight the safety concerns and may hinder wider use of this promising energy storage technology. To guard against such accidents, a robust thermal management system is necessary to protect the battery pack under all circumstances, especially when the monitoring or active cooling system fails to detect a cell failure. Th ese Li-ion fi res were caused by thermal runaway, a chemical phenomenon during which the anode, cathode and electrolyte irreversibly react, generating large amounts of heat that escalate the cell temperature and internal pressure, oft en with combustion of gases. Several scenarios and factors can trigger thermal runaway. Overheating of the cell can lead directly to thermal runaway by triggering a series of exothermic chemical reactions. Due to these potential hazards, numerous safety mechanisms are oft en built into Li-ion cells. The failure of a single cell can generate suffi cient heat to trigger the surrounding cells into thermal runaway, leading to propagation, the largest danger of thermal runaway. While the energy release of a single cell event can reasonably be contained, if the liberated heat raises the temperatures of neighboring cells in a pack, it becomes likely that a cascade of propagating cells will result in fi re and complete pack destruction. Thus, it is necessary to design pack-level safety features in addition to the cell components. In designing for safety of Li-ion packs, it is helpful to examine the various modes of propagation from one thermal runaway event to other cells. Single cells are known to reach 700°C in open air during thermal runaway, giving rise to signifi cant heat transfer via conduction (either through cell in direct contact or through external current collectors), convection and radiation. One promising approach to pack thermal management is the use of phase change composite materials (PCC), which off ers passive protection at low weight and cost while minimizing system complexity.
We present experimental nail penetration studies on a Li-ion pack for small electric vehicles, designed with and without PCC, to investigate the eff ectiveness of PCC thermal management for preventing propagation when a single cell enters thermal runaway. The results show that when parallel cells short-circuit through the cell triggered by nail penetration, the packs without PCC propagate fully while those equipped with PCC show no propagation.


Luca Bertoluzzi is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University, USA. After obtaining his PhD in Physics from Jaume I University, Spain, he won an Early Post doc Mobility Fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation. He is specialized in the modeling of photoelectrochemical processes in solar cells (dye sensitized solar cells and perovskite solar cells) and photoelectrodes used for solar fuel production. His recent works are based on the analysis and modeling of the impact of defect states on solar energy production and storage with impedance spectroscopy, light intensity modulated spectroscopy and transient photovoltage and photocurrent techniques.


Solar energy storage is achieved through the conversion of solar energy into a chemical fuel. Th is conversion is performed via at least one semiconductor material. One popular example is water splitting, which consists in splitting water into its primary components, hydrogen (which can be stored and used as a fuel) and oxygen. Water splitting occurs at the interface between the semiconductor and water via photo-activated electrochemical reactions. An effi cient light to chemical fuel conversion relies on the use of semiconductors with the appropriate optical properties, energetics, robustness and cost. To fulfi ll these criteria, cheap semiconductor oxides such as Fe2O3, TiO2, BiVO4 and WO3 have been investigated in the past decade.
The low temperature processing and deposition techniques of these materials induce the presence of a large density of defects. Th ese states strongly aff ect the kinetic of the electrochemical reactions which generate the solar fuel. While several solutions may be applied to tackle this type of limitation (coating layers, catalyst layers, surface defect passivation), it is primordial to identify, beforehand, the role of these defects on solar energy storage. In this talk, the modeling of the various possible impacts of defect states on solar fuel production will be discussed in a fi rst part. In the second part, it will be shown how frequency and time dependent electrochemical techniques such as impedance spectroscopy, light intensity modulated spectroscopy and photocurrent decays allow identifying these states. It will also be explained how to quantify their impact on the semiconductor energetics and the kinetics of the electrochemical reactions which generate the solar fuel. Finally, a general methodology will be proposed to choose the most appropriate technique for the optimization of this technology.

Jong Moon Park

Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea

Title: Enhancement of cyanobacterial ethanol production by co-factor engineering

Time : 15:10-15:40


Jong Moon Park has been working in the fi eld of Energy and Environmental Engineering, using biotechnology as a tool in the research. One of his outstanding research performances is achieved in biosorption of heavy metals using biomass, which is an integrated study of environmental engineering and biotechnology. Recently, he focuses on biomass researches, more specifi cally on biorefi nery and bioenergy production from biomass such as micro- and macro-algae and organic wastes.


Cyanobacteria have gained a great attention as promising ethanol producer. Genetically engineered cyanobacteria can produce ethanol from the atmospheric carbon dioxide using sunlight as the sole energy source. Th eir rapid growth rate, low land requirement for cultivation, natural diversity and potential to genetic engineering off er great advantages over competing resources such as wood and agricultural crops/residues. However, cyanobacterial ethanol production is still a long way to commercialization due to low productivity. Due to the abundant NADPH produced from photosynthesis, NADPH-utilizing pathway is more favored than NADH-utilizing pathway in cyanobacteria.
By reducing the NADH-dependence in ethanol production pathway, we can exploit the abundant NADPH-pool and increase the ethanol production. It is also expected that increased NADPH supply through metabolic engineering can create a synergistic eff ect for ethanol production. In this talk, we introduce our research to increase ethanol production of cyanobacteria by applying these approaches.

Break: Networking & Refreshment Break 15:40-16:00 @ Foyer

Jong-Sung Yu

Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Sicence & Technology, South Korea

Title: Highly effi cient oxygen-defi cient reduced Tio2-x for sunlight-induced water splitting for H2 generation

Time : 16:00-16:30


Jong-Sung Yu has earned his BSc in Chemistry from Sogang University in Seoul, South Korea and PhD from the University of Houston in 1990 before postdoctoral work at Ohio State University. He was a Professor in South Korea University during 2008-2015 and then joined DGIST. Currently, he is a Supervisor for graduate students of Light,Salts and Water Research Lab and a Chairperson at Energy Systems Engineering Department of DGIST, where his research focuses on nanostructured materials, including nanoscale 0-3D materials and their composites and their energy applications for fuel cells, batteries, super-capacitors, sensors and photocatalytic systems.


High effi ciency with stable performance and utilization of visible light is a key challenge to sunlight-induced photochemical generation of H2, the cleanest energy carrier. Recently, black TiO2-x materials were achieved by creating oxygen vacancies and/or defects at the surface using diff erent methods. Fascinatingly, they exhibited an extended absorption in VIS and IR as well as UV light, along with a band gap decrease from 3.2 (anatase) to ~1 eV. However, despite the dramatic enhancement of optical absorption of black TiO2-x material, it fails to show expected visible light-assisted water splitting effi ciency.
Therefore, a new reduced TiOmaterial with optimized properties would be highly desired for visible light photocatalysis. Herein, we report H-doped reduced TiO2-x nanoparticles prepared by a controlled reduction via the simultaneous presence of two active reducing species, [Mg] and [H] in a confined microenvironment at the surface of TiO2. Th is new material exhibits outstanding activity (31.4 mmolg-1h-1) and excellent stability aft er Pt deposition for photochemical H2 generation from methanol-water in simulated sunlight. Th e excellent photoactivity of H:TiO2-x is attributed to the oxygen vacancies and H doping at the TiO2 surface generated by [Mg] and [H]. The photocatalyst works at wavelengths <700 nm and exhibits reasonable visible-light activity with a quantum yield of 17.8, 7.62 and 3.72% at 400, 420 and 454 nm, respectively, along with an exceptionally high turnover number (238680) with respect to Pt. Th is outstanding activity can be correlated with the extended absorption of visible light, perfect band position, presence of an appropriate amount of Ti3+ and oxygen vacancy and slower charge recombination.


Lara Fernandez-Cerezo is currently a Doctorate student working towards an Engineering Doctorate degree from University College London sponsored by Merck & Co., Inc., USA. She is working towards establishing an ultra-scale down method to predict large-scale fi ltration processes of concentrated antibody therapies. During her Doctorate degree, she has developed expertise in computational fl uid dynamics modeling, which has been implemented to characterize the ultra-scale down device and different laboratory skills including operation of different membrane filtration systems and analytical techniques for protein quality and quantity measurements.


Formulation of monoclonal antibody (mAb) solutions using membrane fi ltration processing is a critical unit operation in the preparation of antibody therapies. A key constraint in formulation process development, particularly in the early stages of development and when using high protein concentration solutions, is the availability of material for experimental studies. Ultrascale down (USD) technologies use a combination of critical fl ow regime analysis, bioprocess modeling and experimentation at the milliliter scale to enable a more eff ective process development approach signifi cantly reducing process material, cost and time requirements. Th e ability to predict the performance of large-scale (LS) operations, e.g., fl ux profi le characteristics and changes in protein structure will help maximize the value of eventual high cost pilot-scale runs during process development. In this study a USD membrane device, comprising a sheared cell unit with a rotating disc and with an eff ective membrane area of 0.00021 m2 developed at University College London, is used to predict the performance of a LS cross-fl ow membrane cassette of area 0.11 m2. Th e USD set up was designed to mimic the LS in terms of processing volumes, membrane area and process times. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is implemented to characterize average shear rates as a function of suspension viscosities and disc speed of the USD membrane device. A series of trials at USD scale established the eff ect of average shear rate on fl ux and the rate of fl ux decline during a diafi ltration operation reaching 7 diafi ltration volumes. A series of LS runs were carried out at diff erent cross flow rates covering a similar range of average shear rates as the USD trials. Good correlation was obtained between USD and LS performance using constant average shear rate over the membrane surface as the basis for scale translation between the two scales of operation. Th e predicted eff ect of change in shear rate on fl ux in USD matched that found in LS. Th is scale correlation on performance was additionally verifi ed by studying the eff ect of type and concentration of mAb. Th e comparable process performance was achieved at USD with 520-fold reduction in eff ective membrane area, required process material and diafi ltration buff er for the trial. Future studies will include membrane concentration operations and evaluating sensitivity to stress-related eff ects and the impact of operation at higher protein concentrations.

Break: Panel Discussions 16:50-17:00 @ ZURICH
Day 1 Program Closed by 17:00

Anderson José Beber has over 17 year experience in industrial water treatment, especially clarification, demineralization, reverse osmosis, low and high pressure boiler water treatment and cooling water treatment. He has worked for different multinational water treatment companies, servicing serveral industries: pulp and paper, power, steel, manufacturing, food and beverage, automotive and many others. Over the past 6 years Anderson Beber has dedicated his expertise on special projects and technical assistance to Solenis sales team, being responsible for new product launch, technical training, project development, consultancy for boiler and cooling water treatment for industries in Latin America.


Microbiological control is essential in any cooling water system. A cooling system such as a large cooling tower is an excellent environment for micrboloigcal growth: water,

warm temperature, oxygen, dust and debries from air,

nutrients and others are some of the variables that contribute largely to the growth of microbiology colonies. The main negative  consequence is that the biofilm (sludge) formed is highly insulating. It is known that biofilm is more insulating that CaCO3 or SiO2 scales. The best and less expensive way to control MB is by using large amounts of oxidizing biocides like chlorine gas, hypochlorite, bromine, chlorine dioxide.  The goal is to maintain an oxidizing environment which is not friendly for bio cells. However, strong oxidizer may cause high chloride content, lower concentration cycles, higher cost among others. Also, a high oxidant environment may lead to higher corrosion rates. And finally the strong oxidizers are not selective, reacting to any contamination not only MB.

This paper shows the results of the application of a novel mild oxidizer  on a large cooling tower at a power plant. This specific cooling tower utilizes grey water (tertiary treated domestic sewage) as make up water. After the application of this mild oxidizer, the concentration cycles were enhanced from an average of 4 up to 6.5, resulting in large savings to the plant. Also, stainless steel corrosion rates droped significantly due to the reduction of chlorides and sulfates residuals.

  • Track 7: Chemical Polymer Technology
    Track 9: Thermodynamics
    Track 11: Environmental and Sustainable Chemical Engineering
Location: ZURICH


Ying Liu

University of Illinois, USA

Session Introduction

Igor Zhitomirsky

McMaster University, Canada

Title: Colloidal methods for the fabrication of advanced electrodes for electrochemical supercapacitors

Time : 11:40-12:10


Igor Zhitomirsky is a Distinguished Engineering Professor at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering of McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. He is a primary author of more than 230 papers in peer-reviewed journals and 8 patents. His major research interests are in electrochemical nanotechnology, colloidal nanotechnology and surface modifi cation techniques. He has developed advanced materials and manufacturing techniques for the fabrication of electrochemical supercapacitors for energy storage. His approach is focused on the advanced surface modifi cation techniques, development of advanced dispersing and capping agents for colloidal processing of nanoparticles, development of redox binders, liquid-liquid extraction techniques for agglomerate free processing of nanoparticles, electrostatic heterocoagulation and Schiff base reactions for design of advanced nanocomposites, polymermediated electrosynthesis and electrophoretic deposition techniques.


Statement of the Problem: Th e success of the supercapacitor technology will depend largely on the ability to achieve strong electrochemical performance of advanced electrode materials at practically important high active mass loadings and high chargedischarge rates. Th e purpose of this study is the development of advanced composite metal oxide-carbon nanotube and metal oxide graphene electrodes for electrochemical supercapacitors with high active mass loading, high areal and gravimetric capacitances, good cyclic stability and low impedance. Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: The approach is based on the development of new dispersing and capping agents for synthesis and colloidal processing of oxide nanoparticles, new dispersing agents for carbon nanotube and graphene and new techniques for composite design. Findings: Chelating organic molecules with strong polydentate bonding to metal oxide surface were used as capping and dispersing agents with superior control of nanoparticle size and dispersion. Small aromatic molecules and materials from bile acid family allowed excellent dispersion of carbon nanotubes and graphene.
New chelating polymers and chelating polymer complexes with redox properties allowed superior co-dispersion of electrode components and were utilized as advanced redox-active binders for electrodes. Liquid-liquid extraction techniques, extraction strategies and extractors were developed for agglomerate free nanoparticle processing. Electrostatic heterocoagulation techniques were developed for the design of advanced electrodes. Conclusion & Signifi cance: Advanced supercapacitor electrodes were developed with areal capacitance of 8 F cm-2, capacitance retention at high charge-discharge rate above 50%, low impedance, good cyclic stability and high power-energy characteristics.

Daniela Almeida Streitwieser

Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ), Ecuador

Title: The shift of raw materials from oil, coal and natural gas to biomass and residues

Time : 12:10-12:40


Daniela Almeida Streitwieser has her expertise in the development of new technologies for the utilization of biomass and residues as alternative energy sources and alternative materials with value added to its components. Her passion is the creation process of new ideas to solve traditional problems in creative and innovative manners, such as the conversion of raw materials into value product, especially if the raw materials come from alternative sources, like residues from former processes or the agribusiness. She returned to Ecuador in 2007 after completing her PhD and gathering experience in the Waste Management and Renewable Energy sector in Germany and joined immediately the Faculty at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at the University San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador. In 2008, she created the Laboratory for Development of Alternative Energies at USFQ, which becomes IDEMA in 2016. Since 2015, she is the Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering at USFQ.


Oil, gas and coal have been used as raw materials for the production chain of most materials in our modern society. The development of petrochemical industries and processes has developed at an incredible trace. Considering that chemical
industries in general have less than 150 years of existence and petrochemistry has developed only since the beginning of the XIX century, the chemical engineering professionals can be very proud of the astonishing job done to change the world we live in. The available materials nowadays like plastics, fi bers, fuels, solvents and many others are mainly produced by the chemical industries from crude oil, carbon or gas. Its usage has been so wide, that even food or nature like products are being synthetized from fossil hydrocarbons, without forgetting the importance of the production of liquid fuels and other energy forms. This very wide range of applications has made mankind dependent of its extraction and the global economy is based on its price. Therefore, it is important that the chemical engineers apply the same concepts that have been applied for the conversion of oil into products and liquids, to the conversion of biomass and organic residues into the production of value added materials of our daily life.
This can be accomplished by the development of bio-refi neries, where the biomass is converted by thermochemical or biochemical ways into new products or precursors for the manufacturing industries. Th e processes that are need to be implemented for the conversion and separation of valuable products ranges from alternative synthesis pathways, chemical or biological, to new extraction and separation methods. In this study the main technologies that are being developed for the utilization of biomass for the production of chemical precursors and products are being presented and its state of the art evaluated.


Dr. Valentino Tiangco has over 30 years of broad experience in engineering, program & project management, energy specialist, designer, test engineer, professor and researcher. He is currently the Biomass Program Manager at Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), Energy Research & Development Department. He leads, plans, and coordinates the biomass activities that include research, development, demonstration, deployment and commercial applications of biomass for power and with co-production of value-added products. His other responsibilities include RD&D efforts in geothermal, hydro, hybrid solar and other renewable and distributed generation technologies. Prior to his job at SMUD, he was a Program Manager of Advanced Generation Program with over $100 million budget over the last ten years in service at the Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program.


Statement of the Problem: Th e internal combustion (IC) engine exhaust contains harmful pollutants such as NOx, CO, and VOCs. These air pollutants need to be removed to comply with air quality control regulations. Th is project used pre-and post-combustion NOx control to reduce air pollutants in the exhaust from biogas powered IC engine. Th e pre-combustion NOx control system has a microwave hydrogen sulfi de (H2S) removal unit followed by a microwave steam reformer. Approximately 10% of the biogas used to fuel the engine is process to generate hydrogen (H2). Th e H2 is injected back into the fuel stream prior to combustion to create H2 enriched fuel gas. Hydrogen Assisted Lean Operation (HALO) is used to ignite ultra-lean air-fuel mixtures. It reduces the peak flame temperatures and signifi cantly decreases NOx emissions. Pre-combustion NOx control using HALO, followed by post-combustion NOx removal with carbon adsorption is the best approach to ensure that the CARB 2007 NOx emission standards will be consistently met. HALO, may not meet emission standards alone, but will reduce the NOx concentration in the engine exhaust signifi cantly to minimize the amount of NOx that must be removed by adsorption. Th e post-combustion NOx removal system consists of an exhaust cooler and two carbon adsorbers in series. Th ese adsorbers are fi lled with granular activated carbon (GAC) to remove NOx and VOCs from the exhaust. The beds are operated in a standard Lead-Lag cycle. When the average NOx concentration in the exhaust leaving the Lag bed reaches 5 ppm, the saturated GAC is replaced with the newly regenerated GAC. Th en that adsorber is switched to the Lag bed. Th e saturated GAC is transported to the microwave facility for processing. We expect the adsorbent will be replaced and regenerated once every 2-3 months. An additional benefi t is that the GAC also removes sulfur dioxide (SO2) and VOCs from exhaust. Under the grant awarded by California Energy Commission, CHA Corp built and fi eld tested this pre-and post-combustion NOx control system at Clean World’s Bio Digester Facility at SATS in Sacramento. A six-month long field-testing was successfully completed in January 2017. Throughout the field-testing period, the average NOx emission did not exceed 5 ppm to confi rm that pre-and post-combustion NOx control would meet not only the Rule 1110.2 but also CARB 2007 NOx control standards. Th e result from this fi eld demonstration will be presented.

Break: Lunch Break 13:10-14:00 @ Athens

Ying Liu

University of Illinois, USA

Title: Polymeric nanoparticles encapsulating hydrophobic compounds for drug delivery

Time : 14:00-14:30


Ying Liu has obtianed her BS in Engineering Mechanics from Tsinghua University in 2001 and her PhD in Chemical Engineering from Princeton University in 2007. She is a tenured Associate Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Her research group is interested in understanding the competitive kinetics during material self assembly. She has developed a scalable, reproducible process to generate drug-delivery nanoparticles, based on comprehensive understanding of the competitive kinetics and molecular dynamics during nanoprecipitation.


One of the biggest advantages of polymeric nanoparticles is the increase in solubility of hydrophobic compounds that they facilitate. Nearly 40% of all pharmaceutical compounds on the market (such as paclitaxel, rifampicin, digoxin and estrone) and 90% of newly developed compounds are hydrophobic and therefore diffi cult to deliver and maintain at suffi cient bioavailability. Drugs requires toxic solvents and surfactants such as Cremophor and Tween, which oft en impair drug distribution and are associated with severe side eff ects. Nanomedicines, which do not require the use of toxic solvents, off er clear advantages. However, in over more than two decades, very few nanomedicines have been successfully developed and approved for clinical use. Th ose already on the market are either liposome based (such as Doxil® and Myocet®) or a protein-drug complex (such as Abraxane®). Although biodegradable and biocompatible polymers have signifi cant advantages over liposome and protein delivery vehicles, such as better stability and robust molecular structure, polymeric nanoparticles have not been used beyond animal tests.
The major diffi culty is to completely control the physicochemical properties of the nanoparticles especially producing them in a large quantity. Th e Liu research group has developed a process of manipulating non-equilibrium structures of the polymeric nanoparticles via kinetic control by a sophisticated combination of mixing and spray drying. The Liu research group combined experimental and simulation tools to elucidate the selfassembly kinetics of polymeric micelles that control pharmaceutical nanoparticle physicochemical properties at multiple time scale
form 100 ns to 10 s.


Eri Yoshida is an Associate Professor of Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan. She has received her PhD in Polymer Engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology and Bachelor’s degree in Education from Tokyo Gakugei University. She has worked at Kyoto Institute of Technology as an Assistant Professor. She was also a Visiting Scientist at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She has more than 100 peer reviewed scientifi c publications and obtained over 20 patents. She is a Member of the Editorial Board of several international peer reviewed journals. Her research interests include molecular self-assembly of polymer amphiphilies, controlled/living radical polymerization, molecular design of functional polymers and polymer syntheses using supercritical carbon dioxide.


Microsized giant vesicles comprised of an amphiphilic poly(methacrylic acid)-block-poly(methyl methacrylate-randommethacrylic acid) diblock copolymer, PMA-b-P(MMA-r-MA), are possible artifi cial models of biomembrane for cells and organelles based on the similarities in their size and structure. Th e similarities include morphological variation based on critical packing shape of the diblock copolymer, membrane fusion and fission and stimulus-responsiveness. Th is paper describes the morphological changes in the vesicles by incorporation of ionic segments into the hydrophilic PMA block and the transformation by electrostatic interaction with a polyelectrolyte on the hydrophilic surface of the vesicles. Th e permeability enhancement of the vesicle bilayer by incorporation of the ionic segments into the hydrophobic P(MMA-r-MA) block is also described. Th e morphological changes in the spherical vesicles were investigated by incorporation of the 3-sulfopropyl methacrylate potassium salt (SpMA) into the hydrophilic PMA block. Th e vesicles were reduced in size as the SpMA units increased due to the expansion of the hydrophilic surface area for critical packing shape of the copolymer by the incorporation of the more hydrophilic ionic segments. Th e increase in the SpMA units delayed the transition from the spherical vesicles to a sheet-like bilayer. Th e SpMA-containing vesicles were disrupted into a nonspecifi c form by the electrostatic interaction with poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH). A large excess of the polyelectrolyte caused partial fusion of the vesicles rather than disruption (Figure-1).
The vesicles with the SpMA incorporated into the hydrophobic P(MMA-r-MA) block also changed from spherical to sheet-like as the SpMA units increased. Th e SpMA units enhanced the permeability of Rhodamine B (Rh) into the vesicle bilayer, whereas the vesicles without SpMA captured no Rh molecules. It was demonstrated that this permeability enhancement was attributed to the pore formation in the bilayer by the capture and release of the Rh by the SpMA units in the hydrophobic phases.


Rakesh Govind is currently a Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Cincinnati and President of PRD Tech, Inc., a small business company. He has published over 130 peer-reviewed papers in national and international journals and has given invited presentations at major national and international conference.



Problem Statement: The objective of this work was to develop a systematic strategy for generating efficient, alternate reaction paths that could be used to manufacture the top 100 industrial chemicals, currently produced from crude oil, using renewable feed-stocks. All organic chemicals play a vital role in synthesis of polymers, solvents, food products and fi bers, manufacturing these chemicals from oil, coal or natural gas results in increasing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, responsible for global climate change.
Aim: The aim of this study was to use the existing knowledge on the conversion of carbon-neutral feed-stocks, like biomass, wood, etc., to suitable precursor raw materials and the known industrial reaction paths, currently used for manufacturing the top 100 industrial organic chemicals, to systematically develop and evaluate alternate carbon-effi cient reaction paths.
Methodology: A matrix model is generated that consists of 96 biomass sources and 105 major industrial chemicals, in which each element shows either the amount of chemical (represented by the matrix column) that is produced from a unit amount of biomass or the amount of carbon that is present in the chemical, represented by the matrix column, divided by the amount of carbon in the
chemical, represented by the row of the matrix, i.e., fractional carbon economy for the conversion of the chemical in the row to the chemical, represented by the column. The fractional carbon economy was determined from a comprehensive listing of industrial reactions paths, which also gives the yields and effi ciencies of these industrial reaction paths, currently being practiced in the chemical industry.
Result: Conclusion & Significance: This methodology allows a systematic generation of viable reaction paths for manufacturing industrial chemicals from renewable, carbon-neutral feed-stocks. An example of a chemical pathway generated by this methodology is shown in Figure 1.

Sabine Enders

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Germany

Title: Polymer thermodynamics for pharmaceutical applications

Time : 15:30-16:00


Sabine Enders leads the Institute of Technical Thermodynamics and Refrigeration Technology at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany. Her scientific
expertise lies in the fi eld of phase behaviors and interfacial properties of complex mixtures, such as mixtures containing polymers, crude oil, pharmaceuticals or


Polymeric carries, which physically entrap molecules of interest (pharmaceutical active ingredient, API) and polymer conjugates, to which such molecules are chemically bound, play an important role in modern pharmaceutical technology. Macromolecular architecture is receiving increasing interest as the search for new tailor-made polymeric materials with strictly specifi ed properties intensifiers. Th erefore, the molecular architecture must be taken into account in the thermodynamic framework. Th e lattice cluster theory (LCT), developed by Dudowicz and Freed, allows the calculation of the thermodynamic properties of a molecule having an arbitrary structure and hence it is possible to take the short-chain branching of the polymer directly into account. Th e LCT will be utilized to model phase equilibria of polymer containing mixtures. Polymers involved in this research are polyolefi ns and hyperbranched polymers. In the case of polyolefi ns, which are semi-crystalline polymers, the chemical composition, the molecular weight distribution, stereoregularity and short-chain branching distributions (SCBD) play the dominant role for the material properties. All these properties show an impact of the related phase equilibria (solid-liquid equilibria, liquid-liquid demixing at high pressure).                                                                                     
This contribution demonstrated the possibilities as well as the limitation of the LCT and their modifi cations for phase equilibria predictions. Hyperbranched polymers carry a large number of polar terminal groups and therefore they are widely applied for increasing the solubility in water and consequently the bioavailability of hydrophobic API. In this contribution the increase of the solubility of the model API quercetin, which has very poor water solubility, by adding a hyperbranched polymer will be discussed. Alcohols are excellent solvents for quercetin, however, quercetin degraded in this solvent. Additionally, the prediction of the relevant liquid-liquid equilibria using the LCT is discussed in detail. One example is the ternary system composed of hyperbranched polymer+water+butanol (Figure-1).

Break: Networking & Refreshment Break 16:00-16:20 @ Foyer

Kirsten Grubel has studied Chemistry at Ruhr-University Bochum in Germany. For her interdisciplinary Master thesis, she changed from the research field of
Inorganic Chemistry to the Departments of Technical Chemistry and Mechanical Engineering. In her Master thesis, she investigated and developed methods to analyze the solubility properties of light gases in volatile solvents and joined PhD project in 2015, dealing with investigation of thermophysical properties of fluids under high pressure.


For commercial production of basic and fine chemicals, like aldehydes, ketones and dioles, alcohol oxidations are commonly used. Th ese processes suff er from the use of toxic oxidizing agents and the production of a vast amount of toxic by-products. In this regard, an important fi eld in chemical research is catalyst development in order to substitute commercial toxic substrates and to reduce environmental pollution. The heterogeneously catalyzed aerobic ethanol oxidation features the utilization of oxygen from air as oxidizing agent. This approach is not only cost and atom effi cient, it also bears the benefit of a greener industrial process since oxygen is non-toxic, readily available and water is the only by-product. Unfortunately, little is known about the solubility properties of the air components N2 and O2 in aqueous ethanol solutions at process conditions. This lack of data impedes to find optimal reaction conditions and to develop optimal catalyst with desired requirements. Within this project, solubility properties of the air components in dependence of temperature, pressure and liquid phase compositions are measured.
The setup for the gas solubility measurements mainly consists of a high pressure autoclave connected to a gas chromatograph. To investigate the solubility properties of a gas, the autoclave is filled with thoroughly degassed ethanol/water mixtures, heated to the desired temperature, pressurized with the gas to be analyzed and the mixture is stirred to accelerate equilibration times. At equilibrium conditions, samples from the liquid phase are withdrawn via the capillary of the sampling valve and preceded to the gas chromatograph via the superheated, helium purged transfer line, in order to evaporate the liquid sample content. By means of the at-line chromatograph, the molar amount of dissolved gases in the solvent (ethanol water mixtures) can be quantitatively determined. These data will help to optimize reaction conditions and to evaluate catalyst requirements for optimal efficiency and selectivity.

Break: Panel Discussions 16:40-16:50 @ Zurich
Poster Presentations 16:50-17-10.
Day 2 Program Closed By 17-10.
  • Track 4: Petroleum Refining and Petrochemicals
    Track 13: Chemical Reaction Engineering
    Track 15: Chemical Industry and Market Analysis
    Track 16: Biofuels
Location: ZURICH


M. Angeles Martin Luengo

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC), Spain

Session Introduction

M. Angeles Martin Luengo

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Spain

Title: Sustainable chemical engineering of renewable resources

Time : 11:00-11:30


M A Martin-Luengo has studied Chemistry in the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain. At Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientifi cas (CSIC), Spain; she presented her Masters work on Oxidation Catalysts and her PhD on Hydrogenation Catalysts. As a Postdoctoral grant holder of the CSIC she has worked in Brunel University, UK and in the University of Louvain la Neuve, Belgium. She has worked as a Fellowship IA with the Scientifi c Engineering Research Council, UK, on Fischer-Tropsch and from 1992 she is permanent Scientifi c Staff of CSIC, Spain. She has participated in more than 25 research projects, 100 scientifi c papers and chapters of books, 120 congresses and several patents. She is a Chartered Chemist of RSC and Member of ACS and the Spanish Societies of Catalysis and Clays. Presently she carries out studies on sustainable issues, searching for the use of renewable materials, energies and chemical processes, especially giving priority to countries with deprived economies.


Sustainable chemical engineering of renewable resources
M. Angeles Martin Luengo1, V.G.Y. Martin2 and V.T.Y. Martin3.
The use of agro-industrial wastes is a prime target of utmost importance nowadays, because solutions to environmental pollution problems are crucial to achieving sustainable development and this approach can have a signifi cant contribution towards the so called Renewable Raw Materials (RRM). Th is topic is considered today as one of the main scientifi c goals at international level, given its social, economic and environmental interest. Using waste to obtain useful materials avoids the expense of others often non-renewable materials, among many other benefi ts. Research groups are working on the application of the philosophy called cradle to grave in which companies may be able to convert their wastes into useful materials for themselves or others, thus closing a cycle of obvious benefi ts. Furthermore, the developed processes are based also on avoiding the use of toxic substances to the environment and achieve maximum economy and reduction of energy expenditure, i.e., by using renewable vs. conventional energy demanding ways of activation. Given their origin, the materials derived can be considered Ecomaterials. Some of the processes that have been implemented in our research group are: (1) Immobilization of enzymes and their use in biocatalytic processes (biodiesel and nutraceuticals production). (2) Renewable biomaterials are being used as matrices for regenerative medicine, based on analysis of their toxicities and their ability as scaff olds for cell growth. (3) Conversion of liquid wastes to fi ne chemicals and biohydrogen, avoiding the need to use petroleum derivatives. (4) Catalysts for environmental protection and (5) Multivalorization of agriwastes.

Won Bae Jeon

Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea

Title: Biomolecular engineering of elastin protein for cell transplantation

Time : 11:30-12:00


Dr. Won Bae Jeon, PhD, is the Director of the Laboratory of Biochemistry and Cellular Engineering and an Adjunct professor of the Department of New Biology. He got his BSc from Seoul National University and MSc and PhD from South Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, and performed postdoctoral research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.


With the astonishing increase in the fi elds of regenerative medicine, biomaterial engineering has become a critical approach to generate biocompatible carriers for cell transplantation. Native ECM materials derived from animal tissues have been considered to be the best choices for cell culture or tissue engineering. However, possible pathogen contamination by cellular remnants from foreign animal tissues is an unavoidable issue that has limited the use of native ECM for human benefi t. Elastin-like proteins (ELPs) are genetically engineered biopolymers consist of the VPGXG pentapeptide, where the guest position X accepts any amino acid except for proline. ELPs are responsible to temperature change; solubilized ELPs associate with each other above a certain transition temperature and form self-assembled coacervates comprising β-spiral structures. ELP are non-toxic to the cells and tissues and are easily biodegradable, and can be processed into various types of formulations such as in situ aggregates, microfi bers, cell sheets, hydrogels, and fusion with growth factors to support diff erent cell types, and thus, their contribution to the repair of cartilage, blood vessels, neurons, and heart is beginning to emerge. Th is presentation highlights the development of the ELP-based recombinant proteins that are being increasingly used for the delivery of chemotherapeutics and, in particular, to provide a cell-friendly ECM environment for cell transplantation.


Denis S Kuprin is the Head of Laboratory of Fire and Explosion Prevention, graduate of the Saint Petersburg State University. He is the coauthor of invention concerning generation and application of fast-hardening foam based on the structured silica particles. He is also the author of publications concerning main concept of the sol-gel transition for creation of fi re-extinguishing foams which are intended for fi re and explosion  revention, heat protection, screening in the case of accidents with radiation and hazardous chemicals and others.


Accidents and catastrophes with fi res and explosions including accidents at facilities with hazardous chemicals are getting global problem. These problems are getting more dangerous because of the high probability of the terroristic attacks connected with hazardous chemicals application. New technology of the accelerated accident liquidation in the case of chemical and radiation dangerous materials opened appearance risk is presented by the manuscript authors.
Experience of application of the new patented binary mixtures sol-gel transition technology is described as applied for fire and explosion prevention, solid combustible materials and explosives fire-extinguishing, chemical protection and others.


Anderson Jose Beber has over 17 years of experience in industrial water treatment, especially clarifi cation, demineralization, reverse osmosis, low and high pressure boiler water treatment and cooling water treatment. He has worked for different multinational water treatment companies, servicing several industries: Pulp and paper, power, steel, manufacturing, food and beverage, automotive and many others. Over the past 6 years he has dedicated his expertise on special projects and technical assistance to Solenis sales team, being responsible for new product launch, technical training, project development, consultancy for boiler and cooling water treatment for industries in Latin America.


Microbiological control is essential in any cooling water system. A cooling system such as a large cooling tower is an excellent environment for microbiological growth: Water, warm temperature, oxygen, dust and debris from air, nutrients and others are some of the variables that contribute largely to the growth of microbiology colonies. The main negative consequence is that the biofilm (sludge) formed is highly insulating. It is known that biofi lm is more insulating than CaCO3 or SiO2 scales. The best and less expensive way to control MB is by using large amounts of oxidizing biocides like chlorine gas, hypochlorite, bromine, chlorine dioxide. The goal is to maintain an oxidizing environment which is not friendly for biocells. However, strong oxidizer may cause high chloride content, lower concentration cycles, higher cost among others. Also, a high oxidant environment may lead to higher corrosion rates. And finally the strong oxidizers are not selective, reacting to any contamination not only MB. This paper shows the results of the application of a novel mild oxidizer on a large cooling tower at a power plant. This specifi c cooling tower utilizes grey water (tertiary treated domestic sewage) as makeup water. After the application of this mild oxidizer, the concentration cycles were enhanced from an average of 4 up to 6.5, resulting in large savings to the plant. Also, stainless steel corrosion rates dropped significantly due to the reduction of chlorides and sulfates residuals.

Break: Lunch Break 13:00-13:45 @ Athens

Kuk Ro Yoon is a Professor of Chemistry, Hannam University, South Korea. He has contributed to developing of surface-initiated polymerization (SIP) has plenty of uses to make functional organic surfaces by chain radical reaction of organic monomers.


Hydrogels, distinct from solid materials are composed of a hydrophilic polymer network and large amount of water. Hydrogels can undergo signifi cant changes in their physicochemical properties with variation of temperature, pH, light, biomolecules, salts, electric fi eld, pressure, and so on. Th is special soft wet structure of hydrogels has enabled them to be used as biocompatible materials for a variety of applications, such as biosensors, bioseparation, drug release vehicles and tissue engineering scaff olds and hence being paid a lot of attention for several decades by researchers from material science, biomedical science and polymer science. We present a novel approach to the fabrication of advanced polymeric nanocomposite hydrogels from polyacrylamide (PAAm) by incorporation of graphene-silver-polyethylenedioxythiophene-polystyrene sulfonate (rGO-Ag-PEDOT/PSS) by photopolymerization method. Infrared spectroscopy was employed to characterize the structure of the hydrogels. Th e internal network structure of nanocomposite hydrogels was investigated by scanning electron microscope. Swelling, deswelling and mechanical properties of the hydrogels were investigated.
The compressive strength of nanocomposite hydrogels reaches maximum of 1.71 MPa when the ratio of rGO-Ag-PEDOT/PSS to PAAm was 0.3 wt%, which is 1.57 times higher than that of PAAm hydrogels (1.09 MPa). For the fi rst time, PAAm and its series of nanocomposite hydrogels have been successfully synthesized by in situ photopolymerization method. Graphene oxide was fully exfoliated into individual sheets. Th e tensile strength of PAAm hydrogel improved with the addition of rGO-Ag-PEDOT/PSS nanocomposite. Th e electrical conductivity of the PAAm-rGO-Ag-PEDOT/PSS nanocomposite hydrogel was found to be 3.91×10-5 S cm-1. With the improved mechanical, thermal and electrical properties, may broaden the applicability of the nanocomposite hydrogels in various fi elds including drug release, bio-sensors, actuators, enzyme immobilization and molecular separation.

Break: Panel Discussions 14:15-14:25 @ Zurich

Jong-Soo Lee

Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea

Title: Hybrid metal-Cu2S nanostructures as effi cient co-catalysts for photocatalytic hydrogen generation

Time : 14:25-14:55


Prof. Jong-Soo Lee has been an associate professor of Department of Energy Science & Engineering since January 2017. He joined DGIST in July 2012 as an assistant professor. The research interestings of his group are design of new type of nanomaterials for nanomaterial-based electronic, optoelectronic, and catalytic applications.


In recent years, hybrid nanocrystals (HNs) have emerged as an important class of materials to tune the optical, electrical, magnetic and catalytic properties of nanocrystals. In HNs, two disparate functional material systems (i.e., metal/magnet, metal/semiconductor and magnet/semiconductor) are combined through their crystal facets, which results in the nontrivial synergetic effects including extinction enhancement due to the coupling of surface plasmon resonance and electronic doping by the intraparticle charge transfer. Among diff erent types of HNs, metal-semiconductor HNs are of particular interest in photocatalysis because it can provide a very good light absorbing semiconductor properties and catalytically active metal nanostructure properties. In the previous report, Pt-CdS/Se NCs exhibited high photocatalytic activity as well as stability. However, the toxicity associated with cadmium based semiconductors has driven research into possible alternative materials. Copper (I) sulfi de (Cu2S), a p-type semiconductor with a narrow bandgap of 1.2 eV, has been explored as a light absorber in photovoltaics and optoelectronic devices due to its nontoxic and earth-abundant constituents.
Also, Cu2S nanostructures have also shown high catalytic activity for polysulfi de redox systems in quantum-dot-sensitized solar cells. Cu2S nanocrystals with diverse shapes have been synthesized and employed in various applications. However, the synthesis and application of metal-Cu2S HNs have rarely been reported. In this presentation, we introduce a new synthesis method for the fabrication of hybrid metal-Cu2S (M=Pt, FePt) nanocrystals (HNs). Th e metal-Cu2S HNs were investigated in photocatalytic hydrogen generation as eff ective co-catalysts on TiO2. Th e Pt-Cu2S/TiO2 catalyst showed higher hydrogen generation rate compared with a pure TiO2 catalyst. This enhancement is attributed to the synergetic eff ects between the Cu2S and Pt, which signifi cantly improves the light absorption ability and the charge separation activity.


Anuchaya Devi has her expertise in biodiesel production from different non-edible oil sources. Her research is primarily focused on biodiesel fuel quality enhancement in terms of improving its oxidation stability by different methods. She has developed designer biodiesel by blending different non-edible oils in different volumetric ratios with improved fuel quality. In recent times she focused on searching some alternative natural antioxidant sources which can be applied to biodiesel in place of synthetic antioxidants for protecting biodiesel from oxidation. She has identifi ed the application of Ginger extract in biodiesel as a novel additive antioxidant source which is tremendously capable in protecting biodiesel from oxidation.


Renewable fuels are one of the technological issues that became more fascinating due to the environmental benefits. In this context, biodiesel deserve highlight because of its biodegradability and low pollutant emission compared to petro diesel. The key problem associated with the use of biodiesel is its low oxidation stability which affects its storage and makes it unsuitable for engine. The oxidation of the biodiesel primarily increases the peroxide value and then a decrease as primary products degrades to form secondary products. The increase in peroxide value can impart the rise in cetane number, which reduces ignition delay and can cause various engine problems. As an option to stop or slowing down the oxidation process, antioxidants are added to inhibit the initiation and propagation of free radicals, reducing the formulation of secondary degradation compounds. Synthetic antioxidants have phenolic compounds therefore they are added to biodiesel to inhibit the radical formation. Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), butylated hydroxyanisol (BHA), tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) and propyl gallate (PG) are commonly used synthetic antioxidants in biodiesel. These synthetic antioxidants are made from non-renewable sources and has carcinogenic health constrains for the living organisms directly exposed to them, because of these negative attributes renewable antioxidant sources containing phenolic compounds are more desirable than the synthetic antioxidants. In this context, Bio-active compounds like polyphenols which are present in various natural plant based materials and they are very important constituents and plays a crucial role in protecting lipid oxidation.
Ginger extract contains phenolic compounds naming gingerol and shoagol which are effective agents for stopping radical propagation. Ginger extract presented greater protection for biodiesel during the oxidation stability test by Rancimat method. A higher percentage of added nature based robust ginger extracts results in the enhancement of the oxidation stability due to the presence of more antioxidant compounds in it.


Sowjanya have expertise in indentifying and solving the problem using new techniques. Her solving technique based on reducing the errors obtain by the parameters in PID Controller when compared with the other techniques her technique obtain better results. The technique is based on Multiple Dominant Ploeplacement where the Controller is tuned with a compensator. Their results are useful to all Chemical Industries because there is no Chemical Industry without a Controller. Her technique reduces the maintaining cost of the equipment and increases the purity of the product. Her approach is responsive to all Chemical Industries.


Tuning of PID Controller for stable Th ird Order plus Time Delay (TOPTD) and Th ird Order plus Time Delay with a Zero (TOPTDZ) system is proposed in the present work. Th e PID Controller is designed based on Multiple Dominant Pole Placement (MDP) Method. Simulation results on linear models of TOPTD and TOPTDZ and non-linear models like isothermal CSTR and bio-reactor are done to observe the performance of the proposed Controller using errors like Integral Square Error (ISE), Integral Absolute Error (IAE) and Integral Time Absolute Error (ITAE). Th e performance under model uncertainty is also observed considering perturbation in one parameter at a time using Kharitonov’s theorem. For stable TOPTD/TOPTDZ systems,performance of the proposed MDPPID controller is compared with the controller designed based on performance specifi cation like Overshoot (Shamsuzzoha 2013), the controller designed by IMC method (Zhi-cheng et al., 2010; Shamsuzzoha and Lee, 2007), Direct Synthesis Method (DSM) (Chidambaram, 1998; Chen and Seborg, 2002; Seshagiri rao and Chidambaram,2006) and Equating Coeffients (EC) (Padma Sree and Chidambaram, 2006) method both for perfect parameters and for model uncertainty. Simulation results on number of case studies of stable TOPTD, TOPTDZ and non-linear models are presented to show the eff ectiveness of the proposed method, which tells that the proposed MDP-PID controller gives better results when compared with the other methods. 

Break: Networking & Refreshment Break 15:55-16:10 @ Foyer
Day 3 Program Closed By 16-10.