Davis L. Ford
The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Title: The past and future of enhanced oil and gas extraction in the United States
Biography: Davis L. Ford
The world is going through a major energy dynamic, with fossil fuel being a major source. Tight oil and gas is now be extracted at a record pace in the Delaware basin in Texas and New Mexico. Both small energy companies now as well as the majors are in the early phases of drilling, completing, and transport oil and gas both for domestic use and export, primarily to Europe. Th ere is a dramatic increase of the United States gap attributable to this export of energy. Pipelines are being expanded and infrastructures of support are rapidly becoming in place. Th is presentation will include but not be limited to horizontal drilling, staging, water conservation and used water disposal, economics, payback, debt, and investing. Regulatory constraints at the state and federal levels will be a part of the presentation.To put this into current perspective, the major producers of fossil fuel, in order, are (1) the United States (2) Russia and (3) Saudi Arabia. Th ere will be a brief discussion of proven oil and gas reserves, both worldwide and in the United States. Th e growth of this commodity in the United States, both in the past few years as well as the anticipated production in the near future will be included in this presentation.