Dr. Michele Trancossi, Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at Sheffield Hallam University has received global recognition in the field of energy and energy assessment of processes, with a personal major interest on transport. He has more than 70 peer review papers, 4 books’ chapters, despite a a relative young academic age. He has obtained an important international reconnaissance for his activity, being member of Portuguese FTC (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), permanent Member of C-MAST (Centre for Mechanical and Aerospace Science and Technologies) /FCT Portugal, adjunct professor at Universitade da Beira Interior, president of CEDITA, the research centre by Romaero SA, the largest Romanian aeronautic industry. Dr. Trancossi has been into a leadership position into 3 EU financed project (for a total budget of more that 5 mls). He is holding offices and serving on committees with numerous academic and professional societies, including ASME, ASTM and SAE.