Michele Trancossi
Senior Lecturer
Sheffield Hallam University
Dr. Michele Trancossi, Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at Sheffield Hallam University has received global recognition in the field of energy and energy assessment of processes, with a personal major interest on transport. He has more than 70 peer review papers, 4 books’ chapters, despite a a relative young academic age. He has obtained an important international reconnaissance for his activity, being member of Portuguese FTC (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), permanent Member of C-MAST (Centre for Mechanical and Aerospace Science and Technologies) /FCT Portugal, adjunct professor at Universitade da Beira Interior, president of CEDITA, the research centre by Romaero SA, the largest Romanian aeronautic industry. Dr. Trancossi has been into a leadership position into 3 EU financed project (for a total budget of more that 5 mls). He is holding offices and serving on committees with numerous academic and professional societies, including ASME, ASTM and SAE.
Research Interest
field of energy and exergy assessment of processes