Chemical Polymer Technology

Polymerization is the process of combination of many small biochemical molecules known as monomers into a covalently bonded chain. During the polymerization process, few chemical groups may be lost from each monomer. Monomers are terephthalic acid, ethylene glycol Laboratory synthetic method are step-growth polymerization and chain-growth polymerization. The essential variation between the two is that in chain growth polymerization, monomers are added to the chain one at a time only, such as in polyethylene, But in step-growth polymerization chains of monomers may combine with one another directly. The global polymer chemistry market is projected to reach USD 4.4 Billion by 2020, signifying firm annualized growth of 7% between 2015 and 2020.

    Related Conference of Chemical Polymer Technology

    September 15-16, 2025

    4th International Conference on Microfluidics

    Paris, France

    Chemical Polymer Technology Conference Speakers